
Our company - iHelpIT - appeared in the autumn of 2014, thanks to and despite the crisis. The IT department of a large construction company, on the verge of bankruptcy, decided to establish their own startup, because we did not want to lose the accumulated experience and the current command. Although we are young company, our employees have extensive experience in the field of information technology, the knowledge and competences. A peculiar enthusiasm of young companies allows us to look forward with optimism and develop fast.

IT sector - one of the fastest changing, and, knowing most rewarding to business technologies, we introduce them, making IT infrastructure driver of your business.

iHelpIT work for corporate customers.

We provide audit services, modernization and maintenance of IT-infrastructure organizations of any type and any field of activity. We also design and install structured cabling systems, help to choose and supply of computer equipment, implement and support of different software.

Our competitive advantage over the market giants - every single employee of any our client is really important fo us, we are attentive to every, even the most trivial, request.

iHelpIT — when computers are OK!

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